Wednesday 7 March 2007

Let's talk about Brussels

Brussels, lets see... Mhhhh.. Yesss... Please! If anybody of you is coming to visit me some time don't ask me about the Brussels' history. We started walking around at 9 in the morning, passing by interesting building, nice streets, weird people, rich people, awesome structure sides, beautiful parks, busy markets.. excuse me if I forgot to mention something.

I can remember our teacher talking to us, but my brain just cannot reflect all these information. Our group was too busy with taking pictures and having fun with each other, laughing about stupid expressions in different languages. Obviously, I have a different system of prioritising so that pictures and playing child is more worth to remember:)

Anyhoo, I can definately say that Brussels should be visited by anybody who is coming to Belgium. I promise that I will grasp more information and keep it when we go an the 29th of March to see the European institutions.

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