It was all about the Normandy actually. I went to Paris to pick up Sascha and Louisa (for those who don't know them: my cousin and his girlsfriend). It tell you, it took us at least two hours to decide on where to go and which route to take. It just did not work out, one person being half sick and indecisive, one person proposing too many alternatives and being indecisive herself and one person being indecisive only. At the end we chose the way through the country side to get an insight into the nice landscape of that region. Unfortunately, I fell asleep most of the time due to my little flue. Yes, it was me being half sick! Finally, we arrived at the coastline. The ocean, the sea, the waves, the air. I have been waiting for it so long. A little history lesson for some of you: it was the Normandy where the Allies arrived in Jue 1944 (on the D-Day). My Cousin tried to find some bunker as vestige of the battles. But he did not really succeed. All in all, it was a really nice day. In Rouen we had a little lunch somewhere on a bench in the city center. We just grapped sandwhiches, cheese and rocket salad out of the super market as well as radisch and awesome salami from the market. What else do you need to be happy? ;) Of course, I don't want to keep back the dinner story where we went to a cheese restaurant in Caen. I was asked before by Sascha and Louisa whether this suits my appetite. It did. Nevertheless, I tried to order a omelette without any cheese. The waiter wasn't able to fulfill my de

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