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Just wanted to show what a means to have a choice if French fries!! You stand in front of the display and its so hard to make a choice!! French fries with chicken, French fries with pork, French fries with other meat, French fries with vegies, French fries with tomatoe sauce, French fries with tomotoe sauce AND vegies............And soo cheap, only 9 - 10 Euros for each tasty dish! And a waffle for dessert. Well, my bday is soon and diet drinks are welcome:D
What a beautiful day! Gent was so busy of people sitting in cafés, at the water or just walking around downtown. I can barely describe that feeling of seeing the clear sun for a whole day. Going out and taking a deep breath, the warmth growing from inside.. like a battery being reloaded!! WOW!

Maybe you expect some impressive descriptions about the capital of France. Unfortunately, this is not what you are going to hear. I was planning to have a relaxing weekend with Sascha, my cousin, and this is what I indeed did. I have not done anything that can be considered sight seeing, which should not lead to the opinion that I have not explored Paris. I have even seen more interesting parts of the city than I did two years ago. I had to go to places that do not present the typical part of Paris - I mean the beautiful houses with those little balconies and fashionable shops. Even Paris has a china town where you can eat very good and cheap, it has malls that are fed up with shop chains everyone knows and food chains you see all over the world; it even has an area where the business world has its seat with some little skyscrapers and modern sculptures. Strange, isn't it?;)
I don't want to forget talking about a big problem concerning eating habb
its. On Saturday we went out with friends to a Basque place. We met at 8 pm. Sascha's friend was suggesting to have drink before going for dinner which I could not believe since in Germany I am only used to have a drink afterwards. Anyhoo..of course, I adjusted to the French proposal:) After we had finished our aperativ we went back to the Basque place. It was 10 pm at that time and as being German I was really looking forward to get some food. Unfortunately, the bar was very busy so that every table was occupied. Waiting outside Sascha told me that it will be another hour 'till we get a table, so he got this bottle of wine with plastic cups to brigde the gab in front of the bar. Can you imagine my face hearing that!!???? Having dinner at eleven although I was prepared to have it at eight!!! Stupid me!
BUT I can tell you, it was worth to wait!! I even tried snails; of course they come with white bread. I am so proud of me:) If I would not have liked them I've had enough water to wash them down. In France you always get as much as you want. The same with wine, but this one you have to pay:)
Brussels, lets see... Mhhhh.. Yesss... Please! If anybody of you is coming to visit me some time don't ask me about the Brussels' history. We started walking around at 9 in the morning, passing by interesting building, nice streets, weird people, rich people, awesome structure sides, beautiful parks, busy markets.. excuse me if I forgot to mention something.
I can remember our teacher talking to us, but my brain just cannot
reflect all these information. Our group was too busy with taking pictures and having fun with each other, laughing about stupid expressions in different languages. Obviously, I have a different system of prioritising so that pictures and playing child is more worth to
Anyhoo, I can definately say that Brussels should be visited by anybody who is coming to Belgium. I promise that I will grasp more information and keep it when we go an the 29th of March to see the European institutions.

Well guys, I think I have to overcome my not existing internet connection and try to find other ways to update my blogside. I will be as much as possible in my favorite cafe called 'Vooruit', not because it is very cosy but because it has wireless lan!Alright then, lets start with the pleasant part of life. As some of you might know I went to Brussels on Thursday a week ago. I realized that there are actually more chocolate places existing in
Belgium than I ever had thought of. Amazing!! I am so glad that I am not staying in Brussels. From my story "Cup of Coffee" you should have experienced that I am already struggling with the little pieces of chocolate served with coffee. But having the all these shops at every secong block would definately not work for my willpower neither for my body. This has nothing to do with sweets anymore. Look at the prictures I took! It's jewelry!